Monday, August 08, 2005

The Sign really does say Walk!

The sign says walk! Posted by Picasa

It's pretty awesome when life gives us these little signs letting us know when it's time to move forward. Imagine New York city, or even your city without traffic signals. Without signs that tell Pedestrians when they can go or when they should STOP! The hospitals, funeral homes and car dealerships would be packed. (that was my horribly morbid thought for the day)

What happens when life's little signs are out of order, and you just have to relay on instinct to tell you when to move. Are you able to do so, or do you wait on confirmation after confirmation to finally do the things you need to do to move forward in your life? The sign is working today, it says walk. What are you gonna do? Remember others are behind you counting on your ability to move forward. Keeping them waiting could resort in a mass entaglement of bodies in the middle of the street, and a few New York cabbies who didn't see the sign that said Pedestrains crossing. (Another interesting visual, sure wish I could draw)


Unknown said...

ok- but how do you know what signs are for you? and which ones to read?? i personally never know...

i saw a white van with a license plate saying Virginia- so I moved there and didn't like it-- :)

i'm more careful about reading signs now....

Anonymous said...

I dropped you a post over on my blog, thanx for reading and come back and visit.


neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

I read in a book by a psychotherapist, Clarissa M. Pinkola, that women ignore the signs...the signs are our instincts...they tell us all we need to know. She told stories, then analysed them to teach us.

Icy, I think you'd love that book, Women who run with the wolves.

Girl, you in Noo Yawk yet?

F-ftOS said...

Lol visit India and you will realise how meaningless these signs are. People cross the roads everywhere, cars/bikes/busses/trucks are driven everywhere.

I had a French colleague and he wrote on his experience in India. One line summarised it all.
"Do not leave the gap between your car and the one infront of you by more than 2 inches because in those 2 inches, 3 cycles, 2 scooters, 2 Bikes, 2 cows and another car will fit themselves."

And Boris Becker, my fav tennis player, had visited Chennai (Madras) in 1998 and had said "India is an amazing country. You have mercs and cows on the same road, racing against each other."

Sad but true.

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