Saturday, March 12, 2005

Too much focussing

So this morning I slowly pull myself outta the bed, trying my damndest not to think about his latest words to me. Why? Comes damn he has this ability to make me think too hard. What if's keep flowing through my mind and its like pulling eye teeth just to concentrate on other things. Even after all the smiles and coming at a sista in the midnight hour, in the back of my cerebrum His words still surface How can you love one day then be totally disconnected the next? Maybe its due to certain days we wanna deal with our realitities and other days we don't. Sometimes learning to accept the blame for the things you really did do is best especially when you trying to build. Of course if you just trying to say stupid shit to get 'everyone's attention then maybe you should just be quiet and go back into the corner with the bad kids..

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