Friday, August 19, 2005

Friday Ramblings

Today is a blessed day! Not because I'm finally a New Yorker, but because somehow I finally crossed the first hurdle in changing my life. I made a decision and followed through. Follow through's always been a big issue for me, so although I'm seeing the challenes that are set before me, I realize that I took a step.

A big one.

Ok, so now the country girl has come to a new town, has to make about 10 other major steps to get this new life in motion. Will she be able to do it? So many have doubted her, but I think she's well on her way, don't you?

Will she obtain every goal she set for herself?
Will she hold her head high and place herself in a position to allow greatness in?
Will she get a great job, cool apartment, and make some new friends?
Will she let the country girl shyness go, and step up with a little boldness and poetry girl swagger?
Will she let the opinions of others, especially loved ones, scare and intimidate her?

Will she stop speaking of herself in third person...? (probably not)

Monday morning, real life begins....she'll be hitting the pavement, taking the next step in her 10 step plan to become a better 'she'.
She ask herself this morning, why of all places did she choose the state of New York?

she answered herself with this response..........Why not New York?

Realizing there are folks back in her home town waiting on her to fall, and admit the big city was just too much for her, come running back to the comfort of the country and all that is familiar.
She hopes they're not holding their breath!

-----------On another note.....

Tomorrow, we will celebrate my youngest daughters birthday
(She'll be 11) My boyfriend and I are going to make this a very special birthday for her. One she'll remember forever!
Last night coming into the city, her eyes got so big looking at all the buildings and stores. I'm somewhat saddened by what she was most excited about though. She looks at me with joy in her eyes, and says "Mama, look, there's a McDonalds on every corner. Wow Ma, New York is cool'

I must expose my child to new immediately

I guess when you go from living in a town where there's only one McDonalds for three counties, and coming to a place where they are everywhere, that's something to be excited about. Even though I don't eat McDonalds. (and she won't be eating much of it either)

Speaking of which, its' time to go whip up some viddles for the youngun' She'll be waking up soon.

Oops I forgot, this is New York.....I must not say viddles out loud or I may get shipped back to Kentucky on a tugboat.
Have a great weekend poeple!



Anonymous said...

CONGRATS BABE...hell i moved from NJ to MI and dammit there's nothing like the east coast i swear...i miss shopping in NYC already....jesus....and happy b-day to the little one...

Anonymous said...

no worries- NYC is a village, a small town, you'll realize it soon enough- its just very crowded and lots of visitors - but otherwise same rules apply-

neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Chile, you'll do just fine. Keep some of the country ways, the best ones. Take the best of the New York ways and shuck off the rest.

[Will you learn Ebonics? Can you speak it already? I'm fascinated by it.]

Happy Birthday little girl. Hope you have fuuuuun in New York. Be good to your mamma.

{illyria} said...

new york! congratulations on that first step.

Me Dwn said...

Same here to your daughter (happy birthday) and the move!

You know I'm wishing you the very best and I'm happy to hear that you're making your moves.

Enjoy it...

mistipurple said...

lol. no one could tugboat you lady! you're spunk, YO! i wish you all the best in NEW YORK!! *pinch yourself, it's not a dream!*

F-ftOS said...

You will do just fine. All the best.

Gaye said...

WOW! I'm so proud of you!! I have no doubt you'll reach your goals. Excitement, reality, uncertainty--LIVING!! Small town ways are priceless assets until they start bogging us down--keeping us from living up to our potential. Tell the naysayers to kiss it cuz Icy's in TOWN!!!! YAY!!!

Buffalo said...

I know you're up to the city. They can only pray they are up to you!

Phukofku Gale said...

I hope your weekend was as beautiful as you are...
and you are.

A macdonald's on every corner? How...odd. Do they serve green vegetables?

Does viddles mean vegetables?
-----on another note-------

You will do SPECTACULARLY in NYC. Plan your work. Work your plan. Redefining oneself isn't easy. It's often a dauting and sometimes loney process. Not everyone will agree wih and understand every choice you make. But they will love you and stand behind you as you make them.

what more can you really ask?

Now, go, make the doubts scatter like roaches with the brilliant shine of your success.


piu piu said...

ha ha! go to moma!

go to my site and click on the kudzu mon amour link.she's v cool girl. u shud check out her performances whilst u in the same city...

MsPerdie said...

You can do it girl.. don't let anyone stop your flow, or diminish your dreams. I'm close, in Jersey if you need some support. ;)

The Foxybrown Show said...

Now I'm wondering where have you been???

Phukofku Gale said...


Sorry to interuppt...but um....

(and now I feel guilty doing this to you!)


You've been tagged love.

come see me to find out what to do.


Anonymous said...

ok it's thursday dammit and your last post was friday!!! get it together over is the move? etc..i want to know dammitall!

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Hayden said...

good to hear that everything is going well, icy!

don't think that because I've been out of touch, I haven't thought of you, because I have. Just a lot on my mind right now - or not enough, so I make too much of what is there, LOL!
