Tuesday, August 09, 2005

The Moon and Tommy Hillfiger

The word says in the beginning God created......yeah, He's a bad man, and brought to life all this stuff we got down here now. Like the trees, the sun, the moon, and all the crap we generally take for granted. What about mosquitos, arent' mosquitos cool? And bumblebees and tulips. Sometimes I wonder how it is that people can be so caught up in the makings of things that are so (bovinely) do a word search---insignificant yet we lose sight of the beauty of that comes in the simple things.

I'm rambling, but have you looked at the moon lately? Be honest.

I'm also fascinated by people who get excited about clothing. Like fashion designers. They are an unusual, tempermental bunch of folks. Especially the little dudes in the tight pants with the wild hair cuts and even wilder accents. Their ability to pay such close attention to the detail of a piece of fabric, and the craftsmanship that goes into creating an article of clothing is pretty cool.

But to simple, country folks like me, IT'S JUST CLOTHES!!! Thanks but I'd rather have a sun sandwich

Now you take the moon, the intricate way in which God choose to allow us sight in darkness, tell me that aint some amazing shit. Some would view that as just me being emotional/intellectual/deep (physchotic). Hell I don't know, I just know that God's little creations are awesome.

Like rain. Have you ever looked at the rain? The smell of it,(how you can smell it before it comes. (sorta like someone I used to know in third grade) The way it falls from the clouds, making the flowers grow and black beauticians extremely wealthy. (All scientists can go to hell, rain is amazing) I have already accepted my position as a strange cookie, so whatever!!! I'm also fascinated at how lightening can take the life of innocent bystanders standing next to electrical poles..(or of two teenagers riding horses in a field as was in our local news this week) Ok, that's some other shyt, but damn, rain is awesome.

I'm confessing as much as I love rain, I'm terrified of storms. I usually hide when they come, but my shelter is under construction. I guess I'll have to face this storm like a woman.

Maybe Tommy will make me a special raincoat and I'll share my sun sandwich with him as payment!


F-ftOS said...

Lovely post. Give me nature anyday. Have you ever tried sleeping on the ocean bed? Well not a suicidal tendency lol.... I mean with proper gear and go down and lie down. Feel the majestic ocean world above you. It's quite a feeling.

mistipurple said...

yes i do look at the moon and i think of my overseas bloggers, as we all look at the same moon huh? it's just distance horizontally that's keeping us from seeing the same stuff. *wink*

The Foxybrown Show said...

I love that! I am eating you up this morning. Do you think that I can have a bite of that Sun Sandwich as we are expecting a storm here in the city today and I could use it.

Get back on the blog and Welcome to The Show!

Buffalo said...

He would get the best of that trade, girl.

neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Chile, I think we share esp...the other day I was thinking of what it would be like to taste sunshine, would it be honey and butter and warm?

As for designers...well, I can understand the excitement of designing, playing with a piece of cloth and creating something beautiful.

Remember that teeny, tinyyyyyy little flower I found at my gate a few weeks back?

I think it's represents the beauty of the things we consider insignificant, the things we don't see, but they're there.

Beautiful post Icy. Seeing the world anew.

Anonymous said...

i totaly looked at the moon yesterday- i honestly do notice the moon all the time :)

nicest ones i remember were in connecticuit -- huge yellow- like big swiss cheese hanging out-

i love rain, love storms-- i once was almost hit by lightning - (don't want to hear wise cracks)

Anonymous said...

ahhhhhhh i love rain, the smell, the sight, the sound..the rainbow that forms.....

Hayden said...

I'm always imaging that the nights when the moon films my bed with silvery light are witchy moon nights... good nights, when Queen Mab and all of the crowd are out dancing...

{illyria} said...

that post undulated over me in a pretty way. and i am a sucker for clothes. good, classic, wearable clothing. and shoes...

Icylyrics said...

Thanks for your comments ladies. I'm needing me a sun sandwich today in a major way.

Icylyrics said...

and fellas too....sorry buffalo and Anoop