Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Copycats on The Prowl

Ok, here's to all the assholes who read blogs and can't form thoughts of your own. You should be beaten with a Bullwhip! Copycats are worse than people who don't pay their taxes. I say this on behalf of all the good people who read and blog for the sole purpose of self-expression or mental health purposes or whatever. There are people who steal words. What's really sad is my Sweetie and I were just discussing this very thing the other day. Low and behold, I found one such thief today. The cunning sommabitch took a whole post of mine and made it his, what's worse, the fucker hasn't posted anything since. No, what's worse than that is he's not a stranger. Well he's strange, but I knew him quite well. Wow, I feel famous now. Imagine that, only been bloggin for a few months and already getting Plagerized.

Damn, a bitch might need to get an agent and a pair of Jimmy Choo shoes since I'm that important.

When my book drops, and it will this year, Im gonna send you about 50 copies so you can sell them on the streets city streets since you so hard up and have resorted to theft. Get a fucking life and stay outta mine.

Thank You for listening good people, Yes, this is a tad of Icy anger, now I digress and get back to my regular happy go lucky self wondering if today's words will show up anywhere else. Wow, I guess this means I have finally arrived. Not sure where, but I'm somewhere!

Today's Quote:
Sometimes shit just be funny, don't it?


neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Oh my gosh oh my gosh OH MY GOSH.

Now you have me living in fear of being plagiarised, except, here's what I'm thinking, when you post, it has the dates and everything, that you've posted before the SOB, right? Is that proof that it's your work? With all the comments and dates and so on?

If he tries to make money from your work, you can sue his / her arse.

Icy, how did you find out that he / she was copying you?

Hayden said...

pretty upsetting and ugly event.

but by the way, can I steal your quote if I give you credit?

Anonymous said...

LOL yeah I caught that too

tsk tsk tsk damn shame it is...

ahh well..

so is the life of the miserable...