Thursday, June 30, 2005

Sistagirls Love

Today was one of those days where I couldn't see the sun. Not because it wasn't shining, but because I was busy fighting for the greater good. It's amazing what we as women go through from day to day just in trying to maintain in this world. We deal with so much, yet most of the times we are so much stronger than our own anger and hurt. Today I saw a reflection of an younger me in someone else. It hurt me. It angered me. It made me realize that time is not meant to be wasted, but every moment in this life is to be treasured and treated with respect. From now on, all my moments will mean something.


F-ftOS said...

nice post. :)
And indeed time is most important. All the best.

Anonymous said...

yep, i think about those precious moments everyday as I spend, 10hours at work... and 4 more on commute-

i know- it's my own fault or choosing- i know pretty soon i will strategize a way out of it so i can enjoy the sun

Icylyrics said...

Do it soon, life is too short to miss everything that's important.

neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

This post reminds me of a book I'm reading, taking time off with this cough...the book is a children's book, but amazing...The Phantom Tollbooth. Taking time off to appreciate, to learn. I think it's something we can do even while we work. While walking home. While cooking. Cleaning.

Icylyrics said...

That's quite all right. I'm coming to quickly understand the passion behind what people say on their blogs. Your words are your words, just as mine are mine. Let's just keep letting it flow.

Hayden said...

Now is all we ever have. Yesterday is a memory, tomorrow is a dream that may never happen. Go for it, Icylyrics! Regrets are about what you never tried for, not for what you reach for an miss...

Icylyrics said...

Hayden you always know exactly what to say.

Hulabelly, you are the coolest.