Saturday, May 07, 2005
How difficult is it to really move on? Even when your actions reflect that you have, sometimes your heart stays in that place. In every area of my life, I've always tried to be a woman who lived as I spoke and allowed my actions to be reflective of my words. My heart or at least a part of it, is in the place where it can't move. I can feel the grains of sand slipping through that space that needs to catch up with the rest of me. Part of me feels open, yearning to be closed again. Is that what's best? I know who I am. I know who's I am, and I know that God loves me, so why the major gap in the heartstrings. I can't even fully give my heart to one because in a sense its' stuck. Not so much in the past, but just in a place where I it can't be touched. Im not lost, just need to be pulled together so I can move a lil quicker. This process isn't always easy as I'm discovering, and somehow, I've got to make it through. Got to!!!!